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Assisi Di Questa Costa La Dovella Frange

Assisi Di Questa Costa Là Dovella Frange

The Divine Comedy - Paradise - Canto XI - Paraphrase

O Insensata Cura De Mortali

Canto XI, in which the aforementioned friar in the court of heaven explains to Dante that all earthly concerns are deceptions of the mind.

In this canto, Dante and his guide Beatrice continue their ascent through the ninth heaven, the Primum Mobile, which is the outermost sphere of the cosmos. As they approach the Empyrean, where God and the blessed souls reside, Dante encounters a group of friars who have been granted a special dispensation to dwell in the celestial realm.

Among these friars is Bonaventure, a Franciscan theologian who was known for his piety and wisdom. Bonaventure explains to Dante that all earthly concerns are ultimately futile and that the only thing that truly matters is the love of God.

Bonaventure's words have a profound impact on Dante, and he realizes that he has been wasting his time on trivial pursuits. He resolves to dedicate the rest of his life to seeking the divine.

Canto XI ends with Dante and Beatrice entering the Empyrean, where they are greeted by the sight of God and the blessed souls. Dante is overwhelmed by the beauty and love that he witnesses, and he realizes that he has finally found true happiness.


Canto XI is a powerful reminder that the only thing that truly matters in life is love. All other concerns are ultimately fleeting and insignificant. Dante's journey through the celestial realms teaches us that the pursuit of happiness can only be found in the love of God.
